My Review of the Year

The big thing I have to say about the past 12 months is it has been the year I finally found peace. If I look back to 12 months ago, I woke up on my own on Christmas Day crying, I was still plagued by daily thoughts of 007, was in the semi-weirdness thing of EUM and had the virus from hell. As 2015 turned into 2016 however, I began to fight back. I realised what an absolute idiot I had been making of myself with the biggest fuckboy of them all. But, more importantly, I got to the very clear realisation that online dating was definitely not for me. I may have only dated three men in 2016 but that is more than ok with me. I am happy to let the universe move in the mysterious way it does. I don’t like blind dating. Never have; never will. (and let’s face it, with all the BS, online dating is just blind dating by another name). I’m pretty socially-proficient but, put me in a dating situation and I become the shyest, most self-conscious person alive. I would far rather strike up a rapport in the traditional way and let nature take its course. EUM left in August and is due back in a few weeks for a while. I will definitely meet up with him and we’re pretty much in touch every day but he will then go away again and it’s fine.

So, with him and online dating out the picture, what have I been doing with all this free time? Well, having a bloody good time, TVM. Work is going great guns, my daughter is growing up and is so fun, funny and interesting, my sports are getting more and more attention (as well as mixed up a lot) and my Twitter family has grown massively and I love all the problems halved, shared and guffawed at that come with that. People may think it odd that Twitter gets its own special mention but I regard it as one of the driving factors of my move towards feeling content and at peace with the hand I have been dealt. I never feel lonely, there is always someone there to give you a helping hand and a kind word, it makes my sides split half the time and has introduced me to some very close friends.

Family life has been weird to say the least. From feuding to crazy relationships developing to the ongoing wars and ceasefires with the ex-husband. It has meant for no dull moments but it has also led to a quiet, peaceful and reflective Christmas break pondering all that has happened and all that I want to happen next year. In Spring, it will be 4 years since I’ve been on my own. That might panic some people. My Mum never met anyone else after she and my Dad split up and I always used to pity her. Not anymore. I get it. There is more to life than the rollercoaster of looking for a partner. My life is full as it is, I have a wonderful (if messed up) family, amazing friends both real and virtual and I make more and more every year. That just wouldn’t have happened if I was still married. So, come at me 2017. I am looking forward to what you have in store.


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